icosawater water pouring into glass

Cloudy Water

Cloudy Water

If this issue is only occurring in your hot water tap you will need to consult a plumber.

What to look for:

  • Water looks bubbly, cloudy or white
  • If you fill a glass with water does it clear from the bottom upwards?
  • Has it been cloudy for a few hours or days?
  • Does the issue clear after the tap has been run for a short time?
  • Has your water supply been turned off recently?
  • Have you experienced lower water pressure than normal?
  • Does the water appear to be cloudy at all the cold taps in your home?
  • Have your neighbours been experiencing cloudy water?
  • Is the issue the same at all the taps in the property or just one?

Why does this happen?

Cloudy water occurs when rapid depressurisation occurs, and air bubbles are released in the water. These bubbles are so small it makes the water appear white or cloudy. The air in the water will quickly clear (rising from the bottom upwards). This shows that it is only air which is not harmful.

The cause could be the internal plumbing in your home, heating up your cold water making it look cloudy. Running the tap will draw the warmed water through the pipes, bringing in water that has come straight from the main pipe outside.

The cold water pipe could be located too close to the hot water pipe causing the water in the cold pipe to warm up. This can be resolved by lagging the hot and cold water pipes leading up to the affected tap. Lagging is a cheap solution to the problem, can save you money and  also help to prevent the pipes bursting when the weather gets colder.

If running the tap doesn’t clear the issue and your neighbours are not affected the problem could be caused by your internal plumbing. We would recommend you contact a plumber to investigate the issue for you.

Self Help

We recommend that flushing the system by running your cold water taps. This can help clear the discolouration out of the system more quickly.

Sometimes a worn or faulty tap washer can cause your water supply to become aerated, if this is the case the washer will need to be replaced to resolve the issue