We have designed the portal to provide you with as much information as possible about your site and its progress through the NAV application system. It’s an easy to use system enabling you to update us on your site, plots and connections as well as share documents.
Within the portal, you will be able to:
- See which stage the site NAV application is
- Call off plots for water connections
- Call off water mains for connection
- Upload key documents such as design plans
- Request wastewater asset inspection
- Notify of property handovers
Your Portal
How do I register?
To register for access to the portal please complete our online registration form. You will receive a confirmation email once your application has been approved by our Developer Services team.
Find out how we use the information you provide to us
If you have any queries about your application or if you are having problems logging in to the portal, please get in touch with our Developer Services Team on 0330 320 0762 or email developerservices@icosawater.co.uk.