Benefits of working with us

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Icosa Water has been established since 2016, collaborating with numerous strategic and regional housebuilders across England. Our extensive understanding of the water industry enables us to provide ongoing support with the assistance of our skilled and knowledgeable team throughout the entire NAV process.

What is a NAV?

A NAV is a process managed by Ofwat. A variation of our licence is when we ask Ofwat to vary our appointments, so it can extend
the areas we provide services to. We then become the new appointee and we have the same duties and responsibilities as the previous statutory water company. A NAV therefore involves us replacing another incumbent as the appointee for a specific area.

Why choose to work with us?

We are experts in water and wastewater connections with extensive capability and experience. The industry is complex and requires significant knowledge, expertise and experience.
We work together with our customers and stakeholders to get the job done, on time.


Welbourne – Buckland Group

Benefits of Icosa Water

  • We work closely with our developers and customers to deliver first rate customer service
  • We compete on a site by site basis offering you tailored solutions to your development
  • We aim to complete your S104 within 4-6 weeks.
  • Adoption of SuDS features
  • Providing and installing internet enabled SMART metering.
  • No requirement for bonds on sewer adoption.
  • No charge for water design
  • No administration fees for using self-lay providers (SLP’s)
  • Reduced CAPEX for pumping station
  • Reduced cost and programme in offsite works.