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Make a payment

There are a number of ways in which you can pay your bill.

We send our bills out on a bi-annual basis with the full balance due within 10 working days of receipt. You can arrange to pay your bills in monthly, fortnightly or weekly instalments. Please note, it is your responsibility to check your bills.

If you wish to arrange billing and payment dates and methods, please call us on 0333 000 0113 and we can discuss your circumstances to agree a suitable schedule. Alternatively, you can put your request in writing. Conditions may differ according to the option you choose.  If a payment arrangement is set up, you must keep to the agreement.  If you break the agreement, the whole debt becomes due.

If you are struggling to pay your water bill, please get in touch with us as soon as possible to discuss alternative payment options such as a payment plan. We’re here to help.

Help paying your  bill

All these services are free unless otherwise stated.

Did you know you can pay your bill in full or instalments via our online account services?

Sign in to your online account or pay by entering your account details

Make a payment

Not got an account yet, register here

Register for your account

Find out what we do with your information

Methods for Payment

Direct Debit

You can manage your water bills when you set up a Direct Debit payment plan. Once your Direct Debit is set up your payments will automatically be paid out of your bank account.

To complete this, you will need to provide your:

  • Your name
  • Contact number
  • Email address
  • Account address
  • Bank details – including your account number and sort code

Please be advised direct debit payments will show on your bank statement as South East Water

Telephone Banking

You can also pay by bank transfer. Please use your Icosa Water account number as the payment reference so we can tell that you have paid.

You will need:

  • Our bank account number: 81029932
  • Sort code 40-11-60
  • Your Icosa Water account number

Any questions, please call us on 0333 000 0113

Debit Card

If you wish to pay by debit or credit card, you can do so online here (with or without an existing login), or call our Customer Services Team on  0333 000 0113 between 8.30am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays.

Please have your bill handy as you will need your Icosa Water account number and the account address.

HSBC bank

You can pay your bill with either cash or a cheque, made payable to Icosa Water Services Limited, in any HSBC branch.

Please take your payment stub, which is attached to the bottom of your bill, with you.

Please be aware, your bank may charge a fee for processing your payment.

If paying by cheque, please write your Icosa Water account number on the back of your cheque.


If you wish to pay be cheque, please make it payable to Icosa Water Services Limited, write your account number on the back and send to Icosa Water Services Limited, Sophia House, 28 Cathedral Road, Cardiff, CF11 9LJ.

Please remember to allow 5 days for a payment to reach us.

FAQ's About Payment

What to do if you can’t pay?

We understand that organisations need to budget, so if you’re having problems paying your bills please contact us on 0333 000 0113 as soon as possible to discuss alternative payment options. We are here to help.

Learn more about the help available to you

If you have a query about your bill

If you think your bill is wrong, or you are not liable to pay it, please tell us straight away. Our telephone number is 0330 111 0780 or email us at  We will try to resolve the matter and temporarily stop any recovery action where an account query cannot be resolved immediately.

You can also submit your queries using our online enquiry form.

What if I don’t pay?

Water services have to be paid for. We will send reminders where debts are outstanding or where payments are missed, and we also reserve the right to use debt collection agencies or legal action where appropriate to recover outstanding debts in accordance with our Code of Practice on Debt Management (available in useful documents). All costs incurred in pursuing unpaid bills will be charged to the customer.

If you do not pay your bill or keep to a payment arrangement we have agreed with you, we will take the following actions:

We will send you a Final Notice giving you a minimum of 10 days to pay the outstanding amount. Alternatively, if you do not make payments in accordance with an agreed instalment arrangement, a withdrawal of instalments warning letter will be sent to you requesting that any unpaid instalments are paid within seven days. If we do not receive the outstanding payments, we will cancel the instalment plan and the total outstanding balance will then be due in full

If you then do not pay or contact us to agree a payment arrangement, we will send you a notification of intention to file a default, which is a record of non-payment, on your consumer credit file. The notice will explain that if you fail to pay the amount owing to us within 28 days of receipt, we will be entitled to register a default against your consumer credit file with credit reference agencies. This will make it more difficult for you to obtain credit in the future and the default of the payment could stay on your credit file for 6 years.

If you still do not pay or contact us, we may ask an independent debt collection agency to recover the amount owing. This may result in additional charges being added to your account. You will be advised if we choose to take this action. Alternatively, we will send you a Letter before legal action which explains the action we will take if payment or contact is not received within 14 days. If you fail to pay or contact us we will issue a county court claim to recover our charges. You will have to pay the fee for the issue of the claim and our solicitor’s costs.

If you are a business customer we may disconnect your supply if your bill remains unpaid.