icosawater water pouring into glass

My water tastes like TCP?


 What to look for?

  • Water has a bitter, metallic or chemical taste or smell (like disinfectant or TCP)
  • Water tastes funny in hot drinks or boiled water
  • Is the taste stronger first thing in the morning or in the early evening?
  • Is the taste better after running the tap for a few minutes?
  • Have you had any recent plumbing work done such as a new tap fitted or has your water supply been switched off?

What its likely to be?

We understand it’s unpleasant for your water have a funny taste, but to solve the issue you must first investigate the root cause of the taste and this is usually chlorine.

Chlorine is added in at the treatment works to make the water safe for you to drink. The chlorine can react to plastics and rubbers in your plumbing, which causes the water to taste or smell bitter or metallic.

Is the Taste ONLY in hot drinks?

Do you only notice the taste in your hot drinks? If so, it could be your kettle. An easy way to test this is by boiling your water in a saucepan, to see if the taste is still noticeable.

Why does this happen?

Most kettles have plastic elements which react to the chlorine in your water – even the metal ones.  New kettles can give water an unusually taste that should settle down after a couple of uses however if your kettle is slightly older the plastic could be reacting with the metal and you might want to consider replacing it if the taste continues.

Could it be one of your appliances? – Dishwasher or Washing Machine

You should check under the sink for any flexible hoses connecting the appliance to your homes plumbing system. It could be that one of the hoses connecting the appliance to your pipework is causing the taste.

How can I check?

  • First, isolate the supply to your appliance
  • Detach the hose from the plumbing
  • Run the taps to flush through any water that has stood in contact with the hoses
  • Leave the hose disconnected for at least a few hours, or overnight if possible
  • Reconnect the hose and see if the taste has gone. If it has then your hose is likely to be the cause

How can I fix this?

You will need purchase a ‘check valve’ which is available from most DIY stores.

What is a check valve?

A check valve essentially stops the flow of water going back into your pipes from the appliances in your home and can prevent the chemical taste in your water. To find out how to fit a check valve go to Helpful Tips.