Considering your water and wastewater delivery options?

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Icosa Water can provide regulated water and wastewater services for new developments through the Ofwat NAV process.

Our experienced engineers optimise the design and on-site construction of your site to enable the timeless delivery of the infrastructure. Water networks are built to your program while our adoptions team work closely with the site delivery team to ensure a hassle-free site operation.

The Icosa delivery model provides professional and pragmatic engineering support that delivers your water and wastewater needs on time, with lower costs and in a manner that adds to the delivery and team spirit of the development.

icosawater houses

Icosa delivers simple green field sites through to larger complex brownfield projects. We work on developments from 100 to 6000 dwellings and build close relationships with the developer’s delivery team.

For more information contact our Developer Services Team on 0330 320 0762 or email